Monday 21 May 2007

Moving up a Gear……. or maybe not

Daisy Turnip writes.....

We spent yesterday cleaning our bikes (ok, correction, Hubby spent yesterday cleaning our bikes) that we haven’t used for a long time and took them out for a quick ride out. It turned out to be quicker than we had planned due to my gears simply refusing to work. I was pedalling away, ten to the dozen, feeling like a complete moron, knowing that people were thinking, ‘silly thing, she’s in the wrong gear she is!’

Due to gear outage, we decided to take the quick route back, which ultimately meant we only really went round the block – yes, that’s right, not very far at all.

For such a short distance, my legs and cheeks (not on my face) are absolutely killing me today!!

Anyone know a good cycle repairer?


Jacqueline Meldrum said...

Our bikes haven't been out of the shed yet this year, so you are a step ahead of me. We have been meaning to, but something else always comes up! They always need a good clean and Graham kindly pumps up the tyres and checks the brakes! Soon!

Daisy Turnip said...

Soon! : )

Hubby informed me I also needed a new tyre!

At least the aches and pains have gone today!