Thursday 5 April 2007

Peeing in the Garden is Good!!

Daisy Turnip writes.....

We are quite ‘green’ in our house and recycle most things although we don’t compost garden and food waste. We’ve talked about getting a composter for a good couple of years and at the beginning of this week I ordered a compost bin. This week I decided that we need to move up the recycling scale!

A work colleague, come good family friend has composted for years and totally swears by it. The same person has recently been in hospital for a considerable operation and for the last week I’ve told myself daily, ‘I must remember to ring composter, colleague, come good family friend to see how he is’.

Anyway, tonight, sitting talking to Hubby, I remembered to tell him I’d ordered the compost bin and that it would be arriving within the next couple of days. He smiled with glee and said, ‘Oh, so you can now unleash me to pee in the garden!’

This comment then reminded me to ring composter, colleague, come good family friend to see how he is – he’s a big componster and swears by regularly peeing in his compost bin – it provides quick and fantastic compost!! No, not literally, he does it in a container and takes it out and pours it over the waste EVENLY. Apparently, read the books and go on tinternet, they all say it’s true and it provides fantastic compost for the garden!

I dialled the number and he answered the phone, ‘Hi, it’s me, we were just talking about peeing in the garden and it reminded me I needed to call to see how you are!!!’

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