Wednesday 4 February 2009

Burkha, Parker – Health and Safety Guru Required?

Daisy Turnip writes.....

This morning, whilst joyously sitting stationary in the early morning Birmingham commuter traffic, 3 cars drove past me which were all being driven by women wearing burkhas. It’s a pretty weird sight to be honest – you’re sitting there, half asleep behind the wheel of the car, praying that something exciting would happen, just to ease the monotonous boredom of the horrendous 2 hour traffic jam, only to see a car coming at you, with what looks like, which can only be described, as a big black cloud in the driver’s seat. All that can be seen, when the car gets closer, is a gap for the eyes. Is this really a safe way to drive? What happens when said female arrives at a T-Junction?

It automatically transported me back to being a young teenager. Dad would never allow me to ride my push bike, whilst having the hood up on my beloved parker coat! Remember? You’d turn your head round and the parker hood would stay in place, and all you could see was the liner of your hood! To be fair, parkers were pretty dangerous don’t you think! : )

My Dad was the über health and safety officer of our village. Dad saw EVERY single health and safety design fault of living the life of a child / teenager – I had to then obey his rules, which thankfully allowed me to see my way into my adult life! Many thanks Dad – you know I would never have made it without your H&S rules! : )

As we say in sunny Wolverhampton, 'Oi luvs ya' x

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