Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Now I See, Now I Don’t!

Daisy Turnip writes.....

For the last few days, I’ve been watching a spider build a pretty enormous cobweb in our garden, just outside the back door. The cobweb runs between a large potted plant over to the garage.

The spider is rather chunky and has multi coloured legs and body. I really don’t like spiders but have watched impressively from a far, as it built a masterpiece of cobwebby art.

The other morning, I went to peg out some washing - wet clothes in one hand and a handful of pegs in another. Silly me, I forgot all about the cobweb. In one quick stride I destroyed the cobweb! As I did so, it felt like walking into candy floss and it sounded like electricity running around my face, as my head ploughed through the middle of the cobweb. At this point I remembered that chunky spider. It was then that I started screaming and went to flick the spider out from my hair or face, or wherever it had landed. As I did so, I swiftly moved the hand that was holding the pegs, up to my face and ended up punching my face – this was shortly followed with a lump of my forehead! I simultaneously stomped up and down on the ground, as I shouted out, ‘urggh, urggh, where is it?’

The spider couldn’t be seen anywhere! However, there on the floor, lay my beautiful designer Armani glasses. Smashed lenses and mangled frames!

I’m pleased to know that the optician thought it was very funny!